The classic squat. Hold you upright, legs spread wide width shoulders, and straight back to the vertical. Bend your knees and lower buttocks until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then raise you to return to your original position. You take dumbbells to make the exercise more intense. Try to perform 3 sets of 8 squats.
Seated squat. Put yourself standing in front of a Chair or a bench. Hold the dumbbells at the level of your chest. Get off in a seated position, hold the position for a while, then lift to reach the initial position.
The squat rear. For this exercise, you will need a rack to squat, which consists of a bar connected to weights and you are moving with your movements. Position yourself under the squat bar and take the helm in the hands by placing your palms away from your body. By making your squat, pull the bar with you, taking the bar before your head or at the level of your chest. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and then return to your starting position.

Pumps. Lie facing the ground, ground or on an exercise mat. Place the arms of both sides of your body, close to your armpits. Use your arms to lift your body until your shoulders, your stomach and legs no longer touch the ground. Only your toes and your hands must be in contact with the latter. Go back down to the ground and repeat until you can no longer make a movement.
Draughts. For this exercise, you will need a pull bar. Stand standing under the bar and hold it with your hands; your palms should be facing outwards. Using your arms, lift your body towards the bar until your chest is located above it. During execution of the exercise, your feet should be crossed behind you and do not touch the ground. Lower your body until your arms are outstretched, and repeat until no longer be able to perform the movement.

The deadlift with a dumbbell bar. Stand facing your bar dumbbell that you will have taken care to load with a weight that you will be able to lift about 8 times until your muscles are too tired. Bend your knees and take the bar with both hands. Get right, then bend your knees, again and so on. You can also perform this exercise by replacing the dumbbells by simple dumbbell bar.
The right deadlift. Put yourself standing facing a ball of Klein, a dumbbell bar or a pair of dumbbells. While keeping your legs straight, bend you at the level of the waist and take the weight with both hands. Hold the straight weight to your body, and then straighten you up to return to the stand. By firmly holding the weight, your arms should stay straight ahead of you throughout the year. Then return to your starting position, then repeat the exercise.

Make the Board. Lie down side facing the ground, elbows bent and palms positioned near your armpits. Lift your body as if you were going to make a pump. Keep the right arms and hold the position for 30 seconds or more before returning to the ground. Relax and repeat the movement.
Made of ABS. Lie on the ground, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your upper body so that find you in a semi-sitting position. To do this, use your abdominal muscles to lift your head and shoulders forward, while keeping the arms folded across the chest. Lower the head to the ground, and then repeat the operation. You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by holding a barbell against your chest.
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