You want to have beautiful and healthy teeth?
To have a beautiful smile, it is important to have beautiful teeth! No one does not go without the other. And to have beautiful teeth, it must adopt certain gestures that make justice to your smile.
A healthy mouth equals beautiful well white and well strong teeth. Here is how to have beautiful teeth.
1. regularly visiting the dentist for beautiful teeth
It is imperative to go see the dentist at least once a year to make a review of your teeth. Prevention is better than cure. The dentist will check the health of your gums, tooth decay and will also make you a good cleaning.
2. use dental floss
Flossing should be complementary to the brushing of the teeth. Dental floss is used to clean there where the brush can't always, IE between the teeth!
3. avoid sugary foods
Sugar and bacteria cause the plaque on your teeth. In addition, this acidity in the sugar dissolves the tooth enamel.
4. resorting to pins for beautiful teeth
If your teeth are crooked, you could remedy the situation by having pins. Thus, your teeth end up over time a beautiful righteousness for a beautiful smile.
5 use whitening products
Sold in several forms, these products will help you look for whiter teeth for a yet more sparkling smile. Whether it's with bands, dyes or other, you might have a little whiter teeth.
6. consume dairy products for healthy teeth
The calcium found in dairy products is good for bones, but also for the good health of the teeth. And who says said healthy teeth of beautiful teeth!
7. use the mouthwash
Mouthwash is not effective for good breath. It also helps eliminate the microbes in the mouth and reduce tartar. Microbes can cause disease so make it less beautiful teeth and less healthy. Tartar also, of course, is detrimental to the beauty of our teeth
8. gargling the mouth with cider vinegar
Cider vinegar helps remove stains, to destroy bacteria and make whiter teeth. So every morning, rinse your mouth with this product.
9 suck food instead of chewable them
If you rush to eat hard foods, can cause some cracks on your teeth. Better then let it melt hard food, when of course, it is possible to do so.
10. while brushing your teeth
It is very important to brush your teeth 3 times per day minimum! In fact, after each meal, you should brush your teeth to avoid that food remains in your teeth and cause cavities, tartar or any other mouth diseases.
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